Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Big Turnaround
Well, my hubby is home and things are great. He doing so much better. I have been looking around at Valentine patterns. I am ready to start crafting next week and getting ready for some Valentine swaps! The baby is sick with croup. Poor baby sounds awful. My youngest got his head cracked open yesterday. A girl threw a brick at him. Don't think she realized the damage she would do. It was bleeding pretty good, but he didn't need stitches thank goodness!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
I can't believe Christmas is here already. This year has flown by. My hubby is supposed to be coming home today so hopefully it will be a stress free holiday. Yeah right, lol. He has been in the hospital for three weeks, so we will probably fight like crazy before getting back into the swing of things. I just have to remember, patience! That is not my strongest trait. I am grateful he is alive and I need to focus on that.
The presents are all wrapped. I spent the last two days making fudge, cookies, and candy covered pretzels. My youngest is the only one who seems excited about Christmas. He is getting something he has wanted for a long time so he will be in heaven tomorrow! My oldest daughter and her boyfriend split up last week and she has been really quiet and sad. Maybe the baby will cheer her up tomorrow. Hopefully, they work things out but I don't want her to think she has to stay with him because of the baby. They are both young and immature. Maybe in time, things will change.
My oldest son broke up with his girlfriend of a year. He just didn't want a girlfriend. I feel so bad for her because she seemed to really like him and put up with him, which isn't easy.
My other daughter just has the usual teenage drama, nothing major.
So there is all that's going on here and that all happened in the past week!
Have a wonderful holiday!!
The presents are all wrapped. I spent the last two days making fudge, cookies, and candy covered pretzels. My youngest is the only one who seems excited about Christmas. He is getting something he has wanted for a long time so he will be in heaven tomorrow! My oldest daughter and her boyfriend split up last week and she has been really quiet and sad. Maybe the baby will cheer her up tomorrow. Hopefully, they work things out but I don't want her to think she has to stay with him because of the baby. They are both young and immature. Maybe in time, things will change.
My oldest son broke up with his girlfriend of a year. He just didn't want a girlfriend. I feel so bad for her because she seemed to really like him and put up with him, which isn't easy.
My other daughter just has the usual teenage drama, nothing major.
So there is all that's going on here and that all happened in the past week!
Have a wonderful holiday!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Getting Better
Just a little update on my hubby, things are alot better now. He should be home from the hospital next week in time for Christmas. I am so tired of the drama in my life. I would just love to have a boring life! lol I did get a new sewing table a few days ago so I am going to spend my day putting that together. Then I need to finish my Christmas swaps up. Then I will done with those for the year. I need to make some things for my family for Christmas so I will be cramming that into next week. Then the sewing machine is getting a little vacation for a week. My fabric is already overflowing from my cabinet that I just got. I don't have a spot for another one so I need to think of something to do about that. I really need my own craft room but the kids are not headed anywhere. lol Thank goodness, my bedroom is huge. It used to be a garage so it is twice the size of a regular bedroom but I have so much stuff. Hubby wants to move but I don't think we can find another house big enough that we can afford and I have to have room for sewing. Off to put together my desk and catch up on some tv. My DVR is overflowing!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Life Gets Rough
Things have been so rough the past couple of days. My hubby is in the hospital with possible renal failure. I am trying so hard to keep things together for my kids and shield them from things. I haven't been able to sew for a few days and that is what really relaxes me. I think I will make time to do that tonight. My kids need their dad. My youngest worships him. He told me this morning that he really missed him and felt lonely. I have tried to keep him busy, but he is a daddy's boy. I have no idea what to do if things take a turn for the worst. The baby is here hanging on my leg trying to get the computer mouse. He always cheers me up. I usually don't get so personal on this blog because you never really know who reads it. It just feels good to let a little of those feelings out.
I am behind on a couple of swaps. I will really try and finish those and get them out Monday. Sorry for that.
I am behind on a couple of swaps. I will really try and finish those and get them out Monday. Sorry for that.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope you and your families have a wonderful day. Both of my older kids have to work today so that puts a damper on the day. But I am going to try and enjoy it. Going the spend the day cooking and deciding where to go shopping tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Create a Christmas Swap
Evelyn of Lee Hall Primitives has already sent me my package for the Create a Christmas Swap. We had to send a something to our partner to make something with. She sent me so many wonderful prim goodies! She used the material I sent on a prim doll. We also have to use a thrift item. Her thrift item was a cheese grater with she made into an arrangement. She is so talented. I love everything she made!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Secret Stitchery Angel Swap
I received my package from my secret stitchery angel. She spoiled me with so many wonderful things. She sent a needle book, patchwork pincushion, yummy chocolate, Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine (I love Australian sewing magazines!). She also sent a Canadian notepad and keychain. She made a fantastic sewing organizer with goodies inside the pockets! Thank you Peg. I haven't heard if my partner has received her package yet. I hope she has and is enjoying it.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Early Black Friday Fabric Sale!
Our local quilt shop had an early sale because the owner is about to have foot surgery. 40% off everything. I was in heaven. I wish I had more money to go back. lol But I do have to buy presents for my family members. Making some ornies today. I am finishing up some candy canes right now. I am using the free pattern from Char of the The Pickled Pepper Patch. I love how they are turning out.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Some organization
I bought a cabinet and tried to organize my fabric. I have tried so many different ways and think I have finally won! lol But I still need another cabinet for my holiday fabrics. It was so hard to see the fabric in the storage containers and it was always a mess. Hope this works! It still could be neater, but it is so much better.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Advent Calender
I found this advent calender panel at the quilt shop and made it for a swap. It was alot of fun to make. I can't wait to make another one for my kids. I also got a wooden one at Michaels to paint. My older kids had one when they were younger and loved it. They felt special getting a little something every day.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I love Annies!
I didn't get a chance to post a pic of the Annies I received in Halloween swaps. I love Annies and can't get enough!
The first Annie is from Rebecca in Aunt Pitty Pat's Halloween Annie swap. The second one is from Sandy in the Trick or Treat Blog swap. THe third one is from Angie from Thimbleprims Annie swap. So many cute annies!
The first Annie is from Rebecca in Aunt Pitty Pat's Halloween Annie swap. The second one is from Sandy in the Trick or Treat Blog swap. THe third one is from Angie from Thimbleprims Annie swap. So many cute annies!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Almost Over
Well, I can finally drive down my street now without floating away. They finally allowed my daughter to close the store at 8 and by then I couldn't even get to the store. She had to walk a block in waist deep water. She was not happy. It was a nightmare. Had to drive all around just to get home again. While I was waiting for here, the tow trucks were busy towing cars out of the flooded street. Now we are only having scattered showers. I am so tired of this rain. School was cancelled again. The post office is even closed. We went for a walk during a brief moment of no rain. The neighborhood is a mess. They have been cleaning it all day, but there is alot to do. The sheriff's dept showed up with some inmates to help. Hopefully, tomorrow there will be sunshine!
The street below is the one that was completely flooded yesterday
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Rain, Rain Go Away!
I am finally feeling better. I have had an cold for the past week and a half. I have so many things to finish. I am finishing up some ornies. Today is the perfect day to do it. We have had the nastiest weather for the past two days. We are in the middle of a Nor'easter from Hurricane Ida. We seem to be getting the brunt of it. School was cancelled, the tunnel is closed, traffic is a nightmare. My daughter just informed me I have to watch the baby because nobody else can make it into work at Blockbuster. My oldest son works at Walmart and when he came home last night, his feet were shriveled! He works in the parking lot, and he has to work today also. It is supposed to be worse later. Below are some pics of the neighborhood.
In the picture below, the water is waist deep. All the trash from the river has washed up. That is one way to clean it!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tart Swap!
I joined The Pickled Pepper Patch Tart swap that Char hosted and received my tarts Saturday! They smell so good! Below is a pic of the goodies that I received from Kim. She picked the perfect selection. She sent potpourri, spiced pumpkin tart, colonial spice tart, pumpkin harvest break away melts, star tarts, Yankee spiced cocoa, Yankee chocolate cupcake, Yankee eggnog, Yankee christmas cookie, and Yankee Home Sweet Home, a candle holder, and a nice mat. I am burning Hot Apple Dumpling now and it smells soooo good! I hope she likes what I sent her. You should visit Char's blog and try her terrific tutorials. It is a must read.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
8 Days Until Halloween!
8 days until Halloween!
I still need to my youngest his costume. It is getting harder to find good costumes. Everything looks the same. My daughter wants to take the baby trick or treating so she can get some candy. She claims he can eat some. He is not going to like the costumes. My youngest was terrifed of masks the first time he went out. The other kids would take off their masks when they saw him. That was very nice of them because they didn't have to do that. We didn't know them.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
10 Days Until Halloween and a Halloween Pinkeep Swap!
10 Days Until Halloween. Smells soooo good!
Below is the Halloween pinkeep that I received from Barbara in Viv's Halloween Pinkeep Swap. I love what she made! Mine is so simple compared to hers. It is amazing how talented so many bloggers are. I hope to be as good as they are one day!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
11 Days Until Halloween and a New Sewing Machine!
I joined the 13 days until Halloween swap and below are my first three goodies from my partner Daisy. I hope she enjoys what I sent her. Sorry the first two pictures are so dark! The first picture is a spider basket and the second picture is Halloween decorative cupcakes that she made. They are so cute!
I finally got a new sewing machine. I am soooo happy! I was smacking my old one everytime I used it. lol The instructions on my new one say not to hit it or drop it. Haha. This machine knew I was coming. I love it. It is electronic and has alot of different stitches and it didn't cost a ton. I was going to get a Kenmore, but then I found a Brother for the same price that was electronic. I was hesitant because my old one is a Brother, but it was about 15 years old. I am so happy with the new one and can't wait to get started on Christmas ornies!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Awesome Happy Halloween Giveaway

I came across this fantastic giveway. Keeping my fingers crossed. I would love to win this fabric! Check it out.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Railroad Festival
Well, the festival is finally over. We did ok, could have been better. The economy is slowly picking up. Going to do some local craft shows to get rid of the rest of the inventory. The festival was alot of fun though. Going to do it again next year. All of the other vendors were so nice. Appomattox is such a beautiful place. It was nice to visit my family.

Monday, September 28, 2009
Happy First Birthday
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Meet Frankie
I have made some Frankensteins using Frog's to Fairy Dust pattern. I think he turned out pretty cute! Now I have to finish some Annies. They are naked! I have been a candlemaking roll so there really hasn't been much time for anything else.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
How Many Is Too Many?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Swap Goodies
I have gotten some wonderful swap goodies the past week. This first one is from The Pickled Pepper Patch's Harvest Swap. My partner was Cindy. She sent some tarts that smell so good. She also made the scarecrow and pumpkin. She sent a fantastic package. 

The last swap was a fat quarter swap from Parallel Botany. My partner was Kerry. She sent some very pretty fabrics!
The next fall swap was from the Primitive Swapping Room's Fall Swap. My partner was Jan. She sent some wonderful goodies. She is so talented. She did a terrific job painting the jar, candle, and box. I can't wait to get into the candy!
The last swap was a fat quarter swap from Parallel Botany. My partner was Kerry. She sent some very pretty fabrics!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Where has time gone?
It seems like the days are flying by. I have been planning on doing a fall festival since March and now it is a month away. I have so much to do! I am going to pick up my candle wax next week. Thank goodness I found a place four hours away in North Carolina to get the wax. That saves alot on shipping. I have been busy making air fresheners, sink fresh, and potpourri. I have alot of Annie patterns cut out that need to be stuffed. I am going to do my lotions tonight. The kids started school this week so that keeps half of them occupied during the day. My oldest son is trying to decide what he is going to do with his life. I hope he figures it out soon. Hubby is retiring so he is always home. And of course, my daughter and baby. I miss the peaceful days!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
It is a Halloween Kitty!
I finally got something done for the fall craft show. I am working on some Frankensteins now. Here is a halloween kitty that I made. I put it on ebay to see if there was any interest so I know how many to make for the show. Let me know what you think. It was alot of fun to make.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Vote for your Favorite Annie
. These are the nakkie dolls that were made
This swap was alot of fun
Thanks to Diane for setting it up
. These are the nakkie dolls that were made
This swap was alot of fun
Thanks to Diane for setting it up
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Nakkie dollie
The doll Diana sent me is no longer naked. I finally got her finished today. Check her out! This was so much fun. I love making dolls. 
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Computer is fixed
I finally have my computer connected to the internet again. Now I can't get my son's to work in his room. I am so frustrated with it. He is getting a signal but too weak to work. I am taking a break with it for awhile. My mouth is hurting really bad today. I was looking forward to getting busy making things for the fall craft fair. I have so many fun patterns to get busy making. I need to go through a bunch of old magazines so I can get rid of them. Think I will concentrate on that first. It is a hot day, think I will stay inside!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Mamarazzi's Red, White and Blue Swap
I am using my son's computer so I can't get my picture uploaded of the wonderful goodies that Jen sent me in Mamarazzi's Red, White and Blue Swap. Jen sent me so many things that I love. She sent a red picture frame, red fabric bag, red strawberry corer, red Swedish fish, blue beads, blue candle, Lindt chocolate (yummm!), baseball buttons, UNO cards, white scrapbook stickers, and red, white, and blue ribbon! This was the perfect package for me. Thank you so much Jen for everything.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Another hot day
The heat is back here and it so muggy. My router quit working so I am on my son's computer. He is not pleased. lol I have been busy finishing up some things I have been making. When I get my computer back, I will post some pics. My daughter is walking on air about going to the state tournament. To think, she didn't want to play at first! Really nothing has been going on. I should be happy that it is so quiet. The baby has been busy getting into everything. He does everything but walk! lol He is 10 months old now. It has been awhile since I had to go through all this.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Going to State!!
My daughter's softball team won the Senior Girls Softball district championship last night and now going to the state tournament so softball is not over! We have been so busy for months with ball. I thought it was over. lol But in the last inning they came back, got 5 runs and won 5-4. My daughter is actually getting playing time now and she is having so much fun. I told her that is what happens when you stick it out. Her team during the regular season was so bad, she'd rather go to the dentist then a game. She stuck it out to play allstars which has been worth it. Now she gets to go and actually play. Her older sister went twice and had a blast. She is so excited and I am so happy for those girls. They fought hard!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Early Monday
I was planning on sleeping in. Didn't work out that way. I didn't realize it has been so long since I last posted! I have been feeling miserable the past week. The week started off with my son having another allergic reaction. We don't know for sure what is causing it but is appears to be grass. My mouth started hurting around Tuesday. I thought it was a toothache but it turned out to be TMJ. It has been killing me and there is nothing to do about it except take Aleve. I was told I had TMJ in my 20's but never had a problem before. I hope this is the only flare up I have. It is so painful. I am going to finish some things I have started working on this weekend. So far, I feel ok thank goodness.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunny Sunday
Wow, it is cooler day today but it is still hot. The weekend is flying by and I still have to make some things to finish up some swaps. I only join a few a month but it seems like they are all due at one time. At least I will have a happy mailbox. lol
I spent Friday night at the ER with my oldest son. He had an allergic reaction to something. He didn't eat anything different that he doesn't eat all the time. He spent the night at his friends house in VA Beach and woke up like that. He is at his house all the time so it shouldn't have been anything there. He didn't come home until 5pm and said he needed to go to the hospital. I almost threw up when I saw how bad he looked. I can't believe he waited so long. He took Benadryl and went to sleep until the afternoon. Then he finally decided to let me know. The hospital told him how dangerous that was. We were there about four hours. The people in the waiting room were not happy that he went right in, but he looked terrible! They gave him a bunch of fluids and IV medications. We got a steriod prescription and came home. He looked alot better when he woke up. He was more angry about his ruined weekend. lol Today, he is back at his friends so he is feeling better.
So that has been my fun weekend!
I spent Friday night at the ER with my oldest son. He had an allergic reaction to something. He didn't eat anything different that he doesn't eat all the time. He spent the night at his friends house in VA Beach and woke up like that. He is at his house all the time so it shouldn't have been anything there. He didn't come home until 5pm and said he needed to go to the hospital. I almost threw up when I saw how bad he looked. I can't believe he waited so long. He took Benadryl and went to sleep until the afternoon. Then he finally decided to let me know. The hospital told him how dangerous that was. We were there about four hours. The people in the waiting room were not happy that he went right in, but he looked terrible! They gave him a bunch of fluids and IV medications. We got a steriod prescription and came home. He looked alot better when he woke up. He was more angry about his ruined weekend. lol Today, he is back at his friends so he is feeling better.
So that has been my fun weekend!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Mamarazzi's Favorite Things Swap

Below is what I received from Mamarazzi's favorite things swap from my partner Jennifer. Sorry I am late posting this. My camera was missing and I just found it. Jennifer sent me all the things I love. I can't wait to read the book!
Mamarazzi's Red, White, and Blue Swap
Monday, June 8, 2009
Muggy Monday!
It is so hot. The temperature is 84 but it seems so much hotter. I hate summer, except for the sunshine. I love fall weather and hope it gets here soon. The kids will be out of school next week. Then I will have to deal with them eating, fighting, and complaining nonstop. Maybe I can find some little camps for them to go to. My daughter has been cleaning her room for six months and it still not done. I am so over it! I even threatened to put a picture on Myspace so all her friends can see it, but she still doesn't have it done!
I bought a huge clear container today at Walmart to organize my fabric better. I have it in plastic containers but they are everywhere. Hopefully, I can fit everything into this one container. I have been busy crafting all weekend. Got some Annie, stitcheries, wooden firecrackers, and pincushions done. I need to start on my quilt blocks. Maybe I can find the fabric I want to use when I am sorting my fabrics. I am watching the baby for a couple of hours, so nothing will get done. He is crawling and into everything! I do not miss having a baby! lol It has been nine years since I had to deal with this. Doesn't look like my daughter will be moving out anytime soon, so I better get started babyproofing everything!
I bought a huge clear container today at Walmart to organize my fabric better. I have it in plastic containers but they are everywhere. Hopefully, I can fit everything into this one container. I have been busy crafting all weekend. Got some Annie, stitcheries, wooden firecrackers, and pincushions done. I need to start on my quilt blocks. Maybe I can find the fabric I want to use when I am sorting my fabrics. I am watching the baby for a couple of hours, so nothing will get done. He is crawling and into everything! I do not miss having a baby! lol It has been nine years since I had to deal with this. Doesn't look like my daughter will be moving out anytime soon, so I better get started babyproofing everything!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Been Busy Crafting!
I am so awful about posting. I really haven't been up to anything new except making crafts and building my fabric stash. I really have a fabric addiction. I need to swap. I joined a couple of summer swaps. I love the Patroitic theme. My favorite besides Christmas. Sewing takes my mind of things. It really helps me to relax.
Chase Bank is starting their mess again with the mortgage. I really wish we could refinance and get away from them. But they have ruined our credit. Twice a year, they start sending payments back for no reason and start adding late fees! They are the biggest crooks around. Never ever do business with them. They have made our lives miserable.
The kids are good. My two youngest have been busy with ball. They are on the worst teams EVER! I will be glad when this season is over. It is supposed to be fun, but it is so frustrating. I can't believe school is almost out. I will be a sewing fool to keep my sanity! lol
Chase Bank is starting their mess again with the mortgage. I really wish we could refinance and get away from them. But they have ruined our credit. Twice a year, they start sending payments back for no reason and start adding late fees! They are the biggest crooks around. Never ever do business with them. They have made our lives miserable.
The kids are good. My two youngest have been busy with ball. They are on the worst teams EVER! I will be glad when this season is over. It is supposed to be fun, but it is so frustrating. I can't believe school is almost out. I will be a sewing fool to keep my sanity! lol
Monday, May 11, 2009
Loving Annies!
I love making raggedy anns. I joined an Annie Swap at Aunt Pitty Pat's. I love the Annie that I got. Below is a picture of the one I received from Rhonda. She also sent some sewing goodies.
Below is the one I sent her. She was so much fun to make!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Rainy Wednesday
It has been raining off and on since Saturday evening. I am so tired of the rain. It does not motivate me to do anything. Hubby is starting the retirement process from the Navy so he is always home. I don't know where the day goes. I can't seem to get anything done. So now I have him, my oldest daughter, and her baby home everyday. I love them, but geesh. I just want to be alone sometimes. I get tired of the racket! I got some wonderful swaps in the mail the past few days. I need to upload some pictures. I love getting goodies in the mail. It has put me back in the crafting mood. I really need a new sewing machine. I saw one at Walmart that was $130 and it looks just like what I am looking for. But the power bills have been outrageous so I have to wait on that. Maybe someday I will have a sewing machine I am not yelling at. lol
Sunday, April 26, 2009
One Hot Sunday!
Wow, I didn't realize it had been awhile since I posted. It is almost 90 degrees here today. I can't stand it. I really do not like the summer heat and it is only April! We haven't had any spring. I love spring. Now I am sweating already with the AC on.
Nothing much has been going on here. Lots of drama with my oldest daughter. We gave her money for graduation last year. She gave most of it to her boyfriend's parents for a car. They have been jerking her around almost a year over this vehicle. We could have went somewhere else. They even quit talking to their son for months over this car. I would never chose money over my kids. They stole from her and I am sick of it. Someone even stole from her purse when they visited! I told her not to count on them. Just accept the money as a loss and learn from it. Maybe she can save up enough to put a payment on a decent car. She doesn't make much and can't get another job until she has a car.
I think I will go watch the race and finish working on my Annie doll for a swap. She is naked and has no hair! lol
Nothing much has been going on here. Lots of drama with my oldest daughter. We gave her money for graduation last year. She gave most of it to her boyfriend's parents for a car. They have been jerking her around almost a year over this vehicle. We could have went somewhere else. They even quit talking to their son for months over this car. I would never chose money over my kids. They stole from her and I am sick of it. Someone even stole from her purse when they visited! I told her not to count on them. Just accept the money as a loss and learn from it. Maybe she can save up enough to put a payment on a decent car. She doesn't make much and can't get another job until she has a car.
I think I will go watch the race and finish working on my Annie doll for a swap. She is naked and has no hair! lol
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Rainy Wednesday
It has been a rainy week.The kids have had a break from practice. They have been home for Spring Break. Fun!(sarcasm) This keyboard is driving me crazy. The cats knocked it down and now the space bar doesn't want to work. Just letting you know we are still alive and doing ok!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Swap Updates
Sorry I am late on swaps that were due to go out on the 1st. I am finishing those up and will be mailing them Tuesday. I have had a really hard, stressful week and I couldn't bring myself to even turn on my sewing machine. But I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I am usually on time. Please forgive my lateness. I hope you enjoy your goodies when you receive them.
Easter Egg Hunt!
Time for something cheery. Viv Out On a Whim hosted a easter egg swap. Everyone made two eggs and sent them to her. She sent back two eggs. Today we get to visit blogs to see who the eggs belong to! What a fun idea. Here are the eggs I sent. Then below that are the eggs I received. I can't wait to see all the pretty eggs.
Can you find these eggs below?
Here are the eggs I received.
Update: I found the yellow one came from The Faerie Wysperer. So pretty!
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