Baseball season is here. The season started a few weeks late because of poor registration turnout. Sadly, not as many kids are playing sports because of video games. And more seem to play soccer than baseball/softball. Now the city wants to tear down the ballfields for a hotel and office buildings. How stupid is that. The last thing this city needs is another hotel. The other one they built is losing money.
Anyway, my youngest is the only one playing baseball this year. My two older kids are too old. I really miss watching them play because they were so good and it was alot of fun to watch. My other daughter didn't want to play this year because she was on the worst team ever created last year. lol I am not exaggerating. It took alot of fun out of it. My husband always coached my youngest until this year. He is 10 and it is his second year in the Major League (9-12)We had the first game Saturday and he only played two of of seven innings. I was not happy. He has been doing really well and been to every practice. He has a really good attitude, I don't know what the coach seems to have against him. They ending up tying the game. We played an extra inning but it ended up tying again. lol
Last night, they played a really good team but ended up tying again! Crazy! And my youngest got to play second base because the second baseman was pitching. He did a really good job and got some outs. Then his first bat, he hit a homerun! That got the team ahead. I can't believe my little one hit that ball. Then at the end of the game, the other team was ahead by one and my youngest hit the ball to the fence again and got a double. He tied the game up. Then it was too dark to finish. Another tie. lol It is an improvement. Last year, they won one game at the end of the season! My son is so happy. He said he was happy his team was proud of him. I am so glad that he realizes that it takes a team.