Saturday, December 12, 2009

Getting Better

Just a little update on my hubby, things are alot better now. He should be home from the hospital next week in time for Christmas. I am so tired of the drama in my life. I would just love to have a boring life! lol I did get a new sewing table a few days ago so I am going to spend my day putting that together. Then I need to finish my Christmas swaps up. Then I will done with those for the year. I need to make some things for my family for Christmas so I will be cramming that into next week. Then the sewing machine is getting a little vacation for a week. My fabric is already overflowing from my cabinet that I just got. I don't have a spot for another one so I need to think of something to do about that. I really need my own craft room but the kids are not headed anywhere. lol Thank goodness, my bedroom is huge. It used to be a garage so it is twice the size of a regular bedroom but I have so much stuff. Hubby wants to move but I don't think we can find another house big enough that we can afford and I have to have room for sewing. Off to put together my desk and catch up on some tv. My DVR is overflowing!


Unknown said...

I've been watching your blog for an update. Glad to hear hubby is getting better. We want to see pictures of your new table! Thank you for all the Advent gifties! My DH thanks you, too, for the chocolates. lol

AwtemNymf said...

Hi Tammy-
Thank goodness things are looking up for you! I need a sewing table- I mean I have one, but I need/want a real sewing table- where the machine drops INTO the table and I sew flat, not over the hump- haha!
Anyhooty- I am your partner for the ThimblePrims Studios Mouse swap and I'll be emailing you soon about that! Just wanted to touch base with you- let ya know I was thinking about you and praying for ya & hubby!
Happy Holidays!

Lisa said...

I'm so glad your husband is doing better and will be home for Christmas. I have really been itching to do some sewing myself, but my son borrowed my machine. The worst thing is, he is so much better at sewing than I am. lol

Susan said...

I just caught up on your blog hun and glad to hear your hubby is doing better. Hang in there hun, things will get better!!

Anonymous said...

My treasure box (Stocking Swap) arrived on Friday. It has sooo many wonderful things. I am writing a post about it that will go up on Tuesday. I included at link to your site.

I hope things are going well with your husband. You are in my prayers!

vivian said...

Hi Tammy, just checking in on you. Sorry your hubbys been ill. I hope he is feeling better and its nothing too serious. Hope your have a happy christmas!
were you able to finish your elf swap? did you recieve the one from your partner? let me know how you made out. Im trying to post some pictures tonight.