Sunday, April 26, 2009

One Hot Sunday!

Wow, I didn't realize it had been awhile since I posted. It is almost 90 degrees here today. I can't stand it. I really do not like the summer heat and it is only April! We haven't had any spring. I love spring. Now I am sweating already with the AC on.
Nothing much has been going on here. Lots of drama with my oldest daughter. We gave her money for graduation last year. She gave most of it to her boyfriend's parents for a car. They have been jerking her around almost a year over this vehicle. We could have went somewhere else. They even quit talking to their son for months over this car. I would never chose money over my kids. They stole from her and I am sick of it. Someone even stole from her purse when they visited! I told her not to count on them. Just accept the money as a loss and learn from it. Maybe she can save up enough to put a payment on a decent car. She doesn't make much and can't get another job until she has a car.
I think I will go watch the race and finish working on my Annie doll for a swap. She is naked and has no hair! lol


Susan said...

oh no my eyes my eyes annie is naked LOL LOL sorry to hear about your daughters situation...hope it works out for her

Kim said...

Tammy - did you ever get the Spring swap package I sent? I hope you liked it.

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Stay cool! Just checking in to make sure you got my e-mail on the swap.